Returning you to the highest possible level of function.


We create individual specific rehabilitation programs...

Starting with your initial evaluation, the goal in our office is to create an individual specific rehabilitation program in order to return you to the highest possible level of function. We will address all physical limitations associated with your impediment as well as work to improve your quality of life. With this mindset, you become a member of our team. Working together, we will create realistic goals within an appropriate time frame in accordance with the prognosis for your condition.

We also treat patients prior to their respective surgeries. In many instances when a patient requires surgery, their orthopedist will recommend physical therapy. The reason for this is to improve or maintain as much range of motion (ROM) and strength before surgery as possible. When an individual undergoes surgery, a trauma is effectively being sustained to their body in conjunction with the original injury. As a response, the muscles surrounding the injury move to an involuntary state, locking down the affected joint or area. This is commonly referred to as, "muscle guarding." Thus the greater range of motion and strength a patient has prior to surgery, the more successful the rehabilitation will be after surgery. Skilled PT provided by our professionals as well as the use of modalities are an effective way to return to your prior level of function.

Click on each service below to learn more: